When I saw this beautiful photo from Vogue Nippon I thought 3 things:
1. I love her hair, perhaps I should go shorter and start with the backcombing/crimping?
2. How silly would I look in a pair of those Creepers on a scale on 1-10? I like them but they would clown my feet surely?
For the first time in my entire life I am living in a flat with no washing machine. Call me a snob but this is pretty standard in modern living no? Unfortunately our miser landlords decided that a furnished flat is not a flat where one can wash clothes, so my flat mates and I are forced to make the weekly trek to 'Spin and Dry', a small launderette on our road that is so dirty it seems ironic to do washing in there.
The infamous Levis ad from 1985 showed doing laundry a stylish and sexy activity. Well, let me say, no one is stripping off in Spin and Dry, and when considering that the clientele are largely old and disgusting, I am glad of this!
Doing laundry did perhaps strike me a pseudo-modern romantic thing to do before I actually had to do it. One might imagine reading a book and looking interesting, or striking up a conversation with a mysterious stranger.. not the case. Fighting for washers, getting your precious pounds swallowed by the machine and evaporating into nothing, cold dryers, getting twisted tights out of the spinner and sending pants flying around you? No not sexy.
And this is before I even start about the people in there. Mad grannies, talkative young lads, oh yeh and that guy smoking crack in the corner (this was yesterday- at 3 in the afternoon). Oh yes, I really wish I could go to the same Laundrette as Jessica Stam and Levis Man
This is what a visit really involves boredom, lots of Ikea bags, and mild fear for one's life..
This sign particular makes me laugh, litter is the least of their worries; a sign would be better addressed to the alcoholics who have small parties in there, the drug dealers who visit regularly and the tramp that sets his sleeping bag out on top of the machines!!
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