Last night I was waiting in Piccadilly for Ben before going to a house party. I was here…
…minding my own business and finding the tourists mildly amusing when a man stops and asks me
‘where are we going tonight?’. He then pursued some idle conversation, he was a ‘doctor’ etc etc, (a load of trollop) and was becoming pushy and offensive. Eventually he left thank goodness, but I wonder do these chat up attacks ever work?
This guy was clearly on his own, and dressed up for a night of the tiles; was he simply prowling tourist central for someone stupid? It offends me that people launch themselves at lone girls, I saw someone else having the same trouble. Just because we are not with a man it does not mean we want you. Perhaps I am taking a joker a little too heart, but I just getting sick of people shouting at me and bothering me all the time just because I am a girl on my own; if there were a boy at my side I would not have this trouble.
Bah! And after he left a guy in a hat asked me what music was I listening to, was it emo? The look on my face scared him off. Oh well, the house party was really quite amazing. I will probably never again experience a house party with lifts, chandeliers, balconies and rooms bigger than my entire flat.
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