Saya baru lepas baca buku Versus by HLOVATE. Best. Bagi sesiapa yang nak berubah demi kebaikan,rajin rajin lah baca buku ni. Cerita Versus b...

Saya baru lepas baca buku Versus by HLOVATE. Best. Bagi sesiapa yang nak berubah demi kebaikan,rajin rajin lah baca buku ni. Cerita Versus b...
Aku takkan tulis fasal ini kalau ia tidak membelenggu diri aku. Peperiksaan hari tu, aku tak meniru (except for Pend Islam) Tapi semua mem...
Blogging has be stunted due to moving house and losing internet access, so this post is a little behind the times. A week or so ago I braved...
Hye. Sorry lama x update. Keputusan peperiksaan akhir tahun hari 2.. eam. OK lar. Tapi teruk gak lar. Bahasa Malaysia : B Bahasa In...
All the fashion houses are churning out their gifty beauty stocking fillers at the moment. I have several such pieces from previous years, e...
Chanel Paradoxal. The new purple must-have that was apparently everywhere at fashion weeks worldwide. A non-attendee of fashion week for the...
Posting has been delayed by a frantic flat hunt, the London property market is not fruitful for letting at the moment and it has been an emo...
My penchant for Alexander McQueen accessories has accelerated. Daily musings upon the how greatly a silk skull scarf would enhance my life h...
I love this dress from TBA. Lavish folds of sumptuous velvet in rich emerald, all complemented by a Victoriana crisp starched collar. Heaven...
Masjid Kristal Hari ini hari Selasa Malam selasa. Dan saya tengah bosan.(Skemanya ayat aku.) Selamat menyambut kehadiran Ramadhan (diucapkan...
19 degrees or 26 degrees, the temperature varies daily and small variations of paper require polar opposite wardrobes. To coat or not to coa...
After congratulating myself on my particularly 'natural' makeup the other day, and duly taking a photo to demonstrate my look, I rea...
I want a castle, or to be more precise, a chateau. After returning from Normandy I am quite adamant that the French life is for me. Coca Lit...
Everyone loves a new accessory. My camera is now the proud owner of a personal flash, a splendid top hat if ever there were one. I love this...
Ya Allah... Sakitnyew kaki.. Hari rabu dan Khamis lepas, seharian busy taw..Sehaian melompat tali.. dua hari berturut2 pulak tu!! Sha kena p...
6M/2009(Last year student of Kong Min) Assalamu'alaikum.. Tadi Sha belek balik memory dari camera Olympus baru and Olympus lame.. banyak...
Ni Sha dengan member2 Sha time darjah 6. Kelas 6M. Teacher Hong Lay Cheng.. Okay. Skunk ape cerita letak gambar2 sekolah rendah ni? Uhuk! Gi...
Whilst browsing the KG site for sandals, I was accosted with a pop-up add for their new sunglasses collection. The glasses actually look ama...
If you'd told me a year ago that I would be painting my nails brown, I would have thought you were off your rocker, but this Chanel shad...
The tube has regained its festering stench of human sweat, red sunburnt shoulder straps accessorize every girl's attire, beers are accep...