Personally I also had doubts, we don't all have the supermodel cheekbones to carry off towering headpieces and my chubby cheeks and dimples were enough to convince me that I should probably never ever wear a turban as a fashion accessory.
Now I am not so sure...
Whilst browsing my favourite ASOS I noticed they had a black turban in their 'just arrived' section, and against my better (chubby cheek realising) judgment, I found that I rather liked it! Here it is...
I'm a little cautious that they have shot the model profile in both pictures, what does it look like from straight on?? But I can see myself in a dark party with straight long hair poking out under the coil of black silk. I think it would work well with really strong make up, dark lined eyes and bright or super pale lips.
What is the general consensus on this? The black one is £25, not a ridiculous amount but slightly too much to buy without a great deal of realistic pondering. I hate being realistic. It spoils everything.
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