When I was in school Kickers were the bees knees! With a strict (bottle green ick) uniform policy, shoes offered the only possibility of grasping onto remains of personal style, and Kickers were the shoes that everyone wanted. They were slip on, with a higher than flat rubber heel and a shiny plaque across the front. They were also expensive, £50 and therefore elitist; any sensible mother would march a child with growing feet to Shoe Zone, only the lucky got Kickers.
But now? Where are Kickers and what are they doing with themselves? The party last week suggests that they are trying to regain their former cool reign by taking Kickers hungry school children of the 90s and re-shodding them with a grown up shoe. The evidence?
Camden's Lock Tavern- cult cool watering hole that has seen many a drunken rock paparazzi shot
London scensters dripping in graphic tees and geek glasses (goodness knows how the invite landed in my inbox?!!!). Even Daisy Lowe turned up, hipster young London
Foals DJ set, Hot Chip DJ set, pretty Kitsch East London girls Broken Hearts and the super super Team Mega Mix vs Work It. A reputable bunch in the cool stakes I'm sure you will agree
I should mention that the party was to launch 'Random Bandits' - A new series of animated films in association with Modern Toss, risque swearing animations.
Pretty flawless combination there, certainly not what you'd expect from the same Kickers that made our black leather school shoes. The products themselves are very classic and rather basic, but as we see these sorts of robust shoes coming back more and more, Kickers indeed stands a chance of making it onto the feet of young and style conscious
Also, we got some Kickers samples in work recently, and this pair did actually take my fancy, they are sort of a less clumpy DM with some added glossy. Would look nice with lacy tights no? Though they do still have something of toddler about them?
Once again my camera packed in, maybe I didn't charge it from last time? So these are B's photos edited; sorry to keep stealing I shall take my own next time!
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