Over my time in London some of the best nights have been in Hoxton sq on a Sunday, firstly in the legendary BoomBox and then predecessor Ponystep. There are many opportunities to make an exhibition of yourself in London but I only ever bothered for these nights. So here with the Monday blues I reminisce of the many looks created upon a cold Sunday eve….
This one started with a goth foundation, I had no plan but I did have pink eyeshadow and 'showgirl' lashes from my favourite stage make-up shop in Covent Garden
Crimpers for me, oversized geek glasses for Jeanie and the trusty pink eyeshadow for Christelle
My favourite plait! It's inspired by a Chloe show years ago and has become my savior to hide greasy hair. The chalky lipstick is Barry M, cheap and cheerful. Oh and feather lashes from Shu Uemura (love these so much I'm now on my second pair)
In the very early Boombox days B and I used to do twin looks, this one is probably my favourite. The idea came from a Kanye West video!
Another matching look, I got some jibes on the way home after this; when seperated from B it was just plain weird!
Perhaps I shall travel to Paris one weekend to continue the party, but perhaps the era has gone? It will be fondly remembered!
Ps. The beautifully airbrushed images are courtesy of the genius Dirty Dirty Dancing, my bestest source of misleadingly good profile photos!
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