In the end we both opted for the safe LBD. Ellie worn an amazing vintage cape that was once part of a nurse's uniform, I love it and want it. I did a dark lip and wore what I like to call my Sherlock Holmes coat. I wore this coat a few years back to Covent Garden and a tramp shouted 'Star Trek!!' at me- I was bemused but apparently someone has massive shoulders in it. Well now shoulders are fashionable so I avoided any jests from the homeless.
I was diligent to my blog and we took photos outside as we departed:
So the club itself? After descending ankle snapping stairs designed to uproot the even most of sober girls' balance, you will arrive in a black box room. This is pretty much it. There was loud music and lots of hungry looking girls milling around. We grabbed a wine and looked out for canapes but sadly they consisted of chicken legs which does not bode well for a couple of herbivores.
Undoubtedly the best thing in the club was the taps in the toilet. I don't know if you can see from this picture below, but the water falls from long mirrored tubes. That was really enjoyable!
The paper the next day showed some of the royals at this event, plus fire eating dwarves and naked dancers but we saw none of this as we sloped home early, ending up in one of Shoreditch's finest food establishments. It's relaunched but I don't think I shall be in attendance again.
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