Having recently changed jobs, I have now found myself in an establishment with a dress code. Gone are the days of long flowing (tangled) locks, and boyfriend slouchy (comfortable) cardigans, I now have an actual suit jacket and hairspray in my hair! I can't say I am too sad at this change, at the moment it is a novelty to consider my appearance in the morning, however I have come unstuck with the 'work shoe'.
Our shoes must be black, polished and heeled. They also must be bearable and foot kind- admittedly I am sat on a swivel chair for most of the day but there are also regular studio treks miles down into the bowels of the building. I need something functional, yet something that wouldn't be sneered at an after-work event, and possibly could take an outing of a weekend. Tricky. So far I have this one pair above, some mid-heels from Office but I'm struggling where to go next...chunky Mary Janes? Suede wedges? A shopping trip is in order. Recommendations gratefully received!
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