‘Thecocknbullkid is Anita Blay.
Thecocknbullkid is one word with no apostrophies, please.
Thecocknbullkid is 22 years old and writes all her own songs and produces a number of them too.
Thecocknbullkid is playing live again and writing and recording her album at the minute.’
I have seen this lady in action once before but it was this show that secured my love. The Proud Galleries is a beautiful venue; a large white space with fancy art deco lights, a little different to London’s usual grotty dives. Extra points must also be given for the stables; set in old Camden Stables Market, there are old fashion horse stalls furnished with seats and used as various VIP areas. A fantastic idea.
Anita came on stage in a cutesy floral peasant style dress and sparkly eye make-up. Accompanied by 3 band members (not sure whether they are permanent fixtures) they played a fairly short set which included the new single- well it was the launch party!
I was particularly taken with ‘boys and girls’ which is pop perfection with its luscious melody and funky disco bass line; the sort of song I would like to jam my heels to and mouth the words of on a dance floor.
Also, ‘There’s a Mother in our Bed’ stood out and really got the crowd going. This sees Anita rapping over some ‘serious’ beats; I think that Snoop Doggy Dog or ’50 Cent’ would be given a run for their money in a sing off (I’m thinking one of those circles where rappers duel each other? -Thecocknbullkid would win )
What does Thecocknbullkid sound like? Catchy, 80s keyboard clanging, big drums, big beats, and a sugar sweet voice over it all. I am listening to her on Myspace now, and I really don’t think that the recordings do her justice. On stage it was edgy and pounding with Anita oozing stage presence, factors that don’t come across through cyber space.
And listening to the record cannot show off her dance moves! In an age where the stage show often surpasses the importance of the literal sound of the music, I think that many would be charmed by experiencing Thecocknbullkid live.
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