Breaking News
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Info Post
Today I woke up at 8.05am. I need to leave the flat at 8am to get to work on time so this is not good; but I have adapted to oversleeping and (providing my hair has been washed the day before) can get ready in 15m. Throw on a dress, smear on some eyeliner, brush teeth and out of the door! Today however, there was a shoe situation. My new flat biker boots gave me a blister the size of the world yesterday, my only other flat shoes are flimsy ballet pumps which invite London icicles to fester upon my feet.... so what is one to do in arctic weather??! I reached into my tights bag and fetched out some leg warmers.

I bought these leg contraptions during my stint as a sales girl in Japanese sock mecca Tabio. I thought the lace trim was cute and had 70% off so could be reckless in my purchases. I never really wore them though, not until today.

I pulled them up like knee high socks, scrunching may have looked cooler but I needed all the warmth I could get in this arctic weather. I'm not sure of the result. I got some funny looks on the tube but nothing unusual there. They are quite cute and Japanesey and VERY warm - they actually make a big difference to the scantily tighted leg! But... I felt a little like kid from Fame prancing around in my ballet shoes, a little like I might do a twirl at any point.. I'm not totally sold on the leg warmer personally, though they are so practically warm I'm sure they will be on my legs many a overslept morning!


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